Corrected bugs in analyseLP() (in LPfuncs.R) and analyseHP() (in HPfuncs.R) that caused crashes when testing for CP or BT points. Erroneously, the Jacobian matrix of the model function was computed, while it should have been the Jacobian of the extended system
Corrected bugs in assigning names to the elements of the tangent vector in analyseLP() (in LPfuncs.R) and analyseHP() (in HPfuncs.R)
Corrected a bug in bifpar1plot.R resulting in dashed lines being used to draw curves of stable equilibria
Corrected a bug in bifpar1plot.R that labelled bifurcation points wrongly in 3D plots if some bifurcation points were off-scale
Corrected the checking whether variables had gone of scale during limit cycle continuation
Updated the DESCRIPTION file as some of the required packages (e.g. shiny) are no longer available for the earlier R versions
Built-in protection in bif1parplot.R against absence of "eigvals" from the curve list
Introduced a function deBifReset() to reload the package in case of computational problems
Implemented a routine that computes the multipliers of a limit cycle, relying on the built-in function solve() to solve for the inverse of a matrix and for the generalized eigenvalues. These multipliers are subsequently used to plot the limit cycle either with a solid line in case it is stable or with a dashed line when unstable
Changed the use of the function sprintf() to snprintf() in the underlying C code as sprintf() has been deprecated in macOS 13
Corrected a bug (superfluous checking of the value of 'ycol' in case length(state) == 1) in phaseServerFuncs.R that prevented the preventing of all steady states
Corrected a missing value TRUE/FALSE error that occurred when phaseplane() was started for a 1-dimensional model for the very first time
Corrected a bug in phasePlot2D.R that generated an error when selecting a variable with index > 2 in a model with more than 2 variables
Added an argument 'verify_fa = FALSE' to various calls to shiny::icon() in phaseUI.R and bifUI.R to prevent error messages from the FontAwesome package
Introduced a new numerical option "Initial step size" to control the initial step along a solution curve
Changed the default grid dimension in the Portrait tab of phaseplane() to 8 and allowed this setting to be varied between 3 and 20
Reduced the font sizes in the menus of both phaseplane() and bifurcation()
Changed the calls to the Lapack routines dgetrf, dgecon and dgesvx to correctly pass string from C to Fortran following ‘Writing R Extensions’ §6.6.1
Changed computation of derivatives in phaseplane() to solve problems with derivative functions that are not vectorizable. Derivatives are now only calculated when either parameter change or the plot options change.
Stricter checking of input curves in bifurcation() and phaseplane() to prevent crashes when the parameter list has been changed
Show steady state details in phaseplane for all tabs >= 3 and improved the checking on the steady state solutions in phaseplane()
Corrected bug in 3D plotting of bifurcation graph that resulted in wrong axis labeling
First point localisation in 2 parameter plot automatically swaps variables if unsuccessful
Bugs solved for full report of computations
Removed the on.exit() call at the start of bifurcation(), which generated a warning about the absence of a graphic context
Changed the on-exit() calls in phaseplane to correctly plot the steady state points
Wrapped the call to deSolve time integration method into tryCatch() to catch errors occurring during the time integration