Wrapped the last parts of PSPMequi.R, PSPMecodyn.R and PSPMdemo.R that read in the data from file in a call to suspendInterrupts({}), such that these routines return data even when the user hits Ctrl-C
Added command-line arguments 'minvals' and 'maxvals' to PSPMequi to provide bounds to the solution variables at which computations should stop
Added a C as well as an R implementation of another example model (Salmon.h and Salmon.h), used in the publication on PSPManalysis
Added more informative output messages of computations in case no output was generated
removed the compiler directive "-Wno-format-overflow" from buildSO.R and PSPMecodyn.R as this one is unknown to the clang compiler
csbread() now returns a list of states when the state argument is of the form "State-4.0" and the value 4.0 occurs more than once in the CSB file
Corrected return statements without () in PSPMecodyn.R
and PSPMevodyn.R
as reported on the CRAN results pages for fedora-clang and fedora-gcc.
Adapted the building process of the compiled module in buildSO.R
and PSPMecodyn.R
to deal with situations in which the current working directory is not the directory in which the model files are stored
Updated to version 0.3.1 - Changed compilation command to work with R 4.0.0 under Windows
Added the manual in bookdown format as a ZIP file